It’s funny how we always take things for granted. I once saw at my mother’s home a can of
“stevia sugar” that she mentioned it’s an all-natural sweetener for diabetics and calorie-free and
found out it’s easy to get at the supermarket. I remember telling myself that I should get and buy
some to see how this works. I never knew there is a great entrepreneurial story behind finding stevia
sweeteners on the shelves – that’s why I’m very happy to have Mr. James May – the man that
introduced stevia to the US market for an interview. Mr. May, first, what are the stevia sweeteners?
Mr. May: First, may I say that Gilbert, Arizona-based Wisdom Natural Brands® is the parent company of two
highly respected and award-winning consumer brands: SweetLeaf Stevia® Sweetener and Wisdom
of the Ancients® herbal teas, which contain natural leaves from the stevia plant.